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In Your Honor
(Double Blind Study #2)
Heidi Hutchinson
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Learn to Fly
(Double Blind Study #1)
(Double Blind Study #2)
Heidi Hutchinson
~ Synopsis ~
He was as wild and unpredictable as a prairie storm. She was
trying to pretend like he wasn't everything she ever wanted. How long can a
storm be in stasis before lightning strikes?
Double Blind Study is taking charge of their future. Coming off of one of the most successful
tours to date, they start their own label and decide to get back to what they
love most: the music. But learning how to be responsible adults can
be a long road.
Blake Diedrich has been running from himself his whole
life. Being in a band with his very best
friends has helped to keep him on the move during that time. But then Blake's past joins the tour, and
he's forced to think about all the choices he's made to get him where he is
Lucy Newton, raised by her widowed rock star father, has a
talent beyond measure. But she's placed
her hopes on the back burner, putting family first. An opportunity arises that allows her to
chase her dream, but there's a catch:
Blake Diedrich, the man who broke her heart too many times to count is
part of the package.
Pride is a destructive foe and Forgiveness is hard to
accomplish. Friendship is powerful and
Love is unpredictable. Every journey has
a purpose. Will Blake and Lucy come out
stronger for it on the other side? Or
will it destroy what's left of their shattered hearts?
Warning: contains
foul-mouthed rock stars, surprise appearances from exes, heart-wrenching
revelations and of course, fantastically loud music.
~ Excerpt ~
Last night's rehearsal had gone so well that Lucy wished that
it had been their performance. Taylor
was so pleased he almost smiled.
Almost. Hopefully they could
replicate it tonight when it counted. She blew a stray hair out of her face as
she adjusted the pie in the glass case.
Lunch rush hadn't happened and she was wondering what on earth she was
going to do with an extra apple pie.
Maybe she'd send it home with Kaylee, the other waitress who was working
with her today. College kids need food,
right? She came back around to the back of the counter where Kaylee leaned her
elbows against the top and sighed dramatically. Her cute blonde ponytail seemed
to sigh with her as it bobbed slightly. “This day is taking too long!” She pouted.
“I want to see you sing tonight.” “Soon,” Lucy smiled and tapped
Kaylee's nose with her index finger.
“And I only sing on one song tonight.
It's not me you're coming to see.”
She raised an eyebrow at the younger girl. “You're coming to stare at Taylor Stevens.”
“I admit it, I have a ginormous crush.”
Kaylee's cheeks went cherry red.
“I think it's the beard... who can resist that beard?” “You're
boy-crazy,” Lucy corrected with a smile.
She turned away from her and started to straighten the coffee cups and
saucers. For some reason, the kids she'd
been having close at night always put the coffee dishes away so sloppily. She was going to have to get after them about
that. “So, I like boys... that doesn't make me boy-crazy,” Kaylee muttered, and
Lucy snickered under her breath. “I don't like all guys... just the really,
really hot ones.” She continued to
defend herself. “Like that one. Holy crap, Lucy, check out this guy!” Lucy
sighed and rolled her eyes. She liked
working with Kaylee because she was high energy and the customers enjoyed her
antics. But sometimes Lucy was worried
she would have to hose her down. Every lunch shift she was drooling after one
guy or another, and Lucy had to hear all about their rippling pectorals, their
beastly biceps and their yummy backsides.
She had pointed out to Kaylee that her behavior was no different than
when men objectified women, but she had been met with an open- mouth stare. She
turned to look at the current object of Kaylee's attraction. The shadows that bounced around the entryway
from the sun's position behind him made it hard to distinguish a face. She narrowed her eyes and tried to
focus. She had to be seeing things she
decided, even as her mouth went dry. He pulled open the glass door and stood in
the entry for a handful of seconds.
Scuffed motorcycle boots, ripped-up jeans, old ZZ Top t-shirt, perfect
five o'clock shadow, mirrored aviators, and jet-black hair that was too messy
to be an accident. Lucy knew she was
supposed to be shocked, but he looked so normal standing in her diner. Like he had never left. She carefully and slowly smoothed the front
of her apron as her heart pounded against her ribcage, threatening to shatter
it to pieces. She had no idea if he had
seen her yet, she couldn't see his eyes behind the shades. No matter, he was going to see her when she
asked him if he wanted coffee with his pie. “Lucy Newton.” He smiled warmly as she came around to the
front of the counter. She had no
restraint when it came to this man. And
that had never been good for either one of them. “Blake Diedrich.” She smiled back, wondering if he could see
through her and know that inside, she was coming unhinged. It was the same feeling she'd had when she'd
gotten caught outside during a storm as a little girl. The same helplessness as the approaching
tornado shook the ground under her feet and pieces of the barn blew past her
face. The overwhelming roar of the power
bearing down on her had paralyzed her.
Her daddy had yanked her into the cellar at the last second. But no rescue was coming this time. She was completely exposed, and she couldn't
take her eyes off of him. Suddenly his strong, corded arms were around her
waist, wrapping her body in a hug that made
her heart ache. He
lifted her feet off the floor, his face buried in her neck. The stubble on his face scratched her skin
and raised goosebumps on her arms. They
inhaled each other's scent simultaneously. Her thoughts went fuzzy as they
filled with the smell of a nighttime rainstorm coupled with the feeling of
danger that accompanies the electricity in the air right before lightning
strikes. “I hope I get that kind of a greeting.” Lucy opened the eyes she hadn't realized she
had shut so tight and saw Harrison standing behind Blake. She hadn't even noticed that anyone was with
him. But Blake had that effect on her.
She took a steadying breath. “Harrison.”
She smiled as he hugged her as well.
“I had no idea you guys were in town.”
That was only half a lie. She
knew they were performing at Rocklahoma on Friday—she had tickets to the
show. But she had no idea they would be
here the day before. “We're here on business,” Harrison joked lightly as his
eyes shifted to Blake, who hadn't said anything since hugging Lucy. He was still standing way too close to her.
“Well,” Lucy swallowed and put on her friendliest face, “y'all want some pie?”
“Only if you have apple,” Blake finally said, pushing his sunglasses up to rest
on the top of his head. “We always have
apple, Blake. You know that.” Lucy remained casual in her demeanor even
though she was pretty sure her heart had already started packing its bags to
leave her. “I'll get it!” Kaylee volunteered, overly excited. “Are these friends of yours, Lucy?” She wasn't being too subtle on wanting an
introduction. “Yeah.” Lucy thought about
how awkward and strange that word was to describe Blake. “They're my friends. Blake is from Pryor but they haven't been
back around here for a few years now.” That she knew of, anyway. She moved to
get coffee behind the counter as the two men sat at the bar. That was good, Lucy needed a barrier in
between her and Blake. If she wasn't
careful, the heat that radiated from him would be enough to make her forget all
the reasons she had asked him to stay away. Her eyes were drawn to the ink on
his left arm. Red and white lightning wrapped around his forearm and
disappeared into dark clouds under his shirt sleeve. She fought back the urge to reach over and
run her hand across it, push the sleeve up and see the rest. See what else was new. But she couldn't do that. They weren't in that place anymore.
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See where it all began.......
Learn to Fly
(Double Blind Study #1)
![]() |
Publication Date: September 14, 2013
~ Synopsis ~
Lenny Evans felt like her life was suffocating her. She would do just about anything to change that, which is how she ended up taking a job that landed her on tour with the biggest rock band in the world.
The plan was simple: get a job, get out of town, don't get attached. But Lenny has never met anyone like the members of Double Blind Study and they easily adopt her into their makeshift family. Now, Lenny finds herself caring far too deeply for these tattooed misfits, daily bringing them closer and closer to revealing Lenny's true past and everything she's running from.
Sometimes crashing headlong into the unknown isn't the worst thing.
WARNING: contains foul-mouthed rock stars, irritating exes, loud music, an overworked tour manager and random shenanigans.
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~ About the Author ~
Heidi Hutchinson was born in South Dakota and raised the exact right distance away from the Black Hills. She had an overactive imagination very early on, and wasted no time in getting most of her friends in trouble due to her unrealistic and completely ridiculous ideas. Seeing as she was so lazy and also afraid people would think she was bonkers, she didn't write down any of the story lines that played out in her daydreams.
During her high school years, she took pen to paper and filled more notebooks than she is proud of with angsty, depressing, self-depreciating poetry. This led to her writing down more things: notes, ideas, character bios, plot twists that had no plot yet to twist. After years of cleaning up her own scraps of imagination with nothing solid to hold on to, she sat down and wrote the story that had been in her
head the longest. Fueled by coffee and her unwavering and perfectly normal devotion to Dave Grohl, she discovered a writer living inside of her.
She still lives in the Midwest, though not as close to the Black Hills as she would prefer, with her alarmingly handsome husband and their fearless child. They eat more pizza than God intended and she listens to her music the same way she lives: loudly.
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