Blog Tour Review & Giveaway
Heart of Light
T.K. Leigh
T.K. Leigh
Release Date: August 25, 2014
Genre: Romantic Suspense
~ Synopsis ~
Twelve years ago, Jolene’s adoptive mother died. Twelve years ago, a man showed up at Jolene’s door and promised to take care of her. Twelve years ago, Jolene was happy. Then it all changed… Jolene Bergio has spent the last twelve years of her life asking one question… Why? Why was she left in the custody of a man who would sell her each and every night to the highest bidder? After a few years, she shut off, giving up hope that anyone would ever find her. Until her luck changed one night and she escaped. Twelve years later, she finally feels something she hasn’t felt in a long time… Free. Scared that her past will find her unexpectedly, she hides away in a rented beach house, trying to distance herself from everyone… Until Dr. Cameron Bowen enters her world and slowly tears down the walls that she has built up over the past twelve years of her captivity. Jolene begins to learn to love again. And trust again. But when a man from Jolene’s past emerges, will she be able to keep her identity hidden? When lies are told and hearts are broken, will the truth surface in time to bring Jolene back from the shadows that threaten to expose who she really is? Heart of Light is a captivating story of love, strength, and survival.
~ Excerpt ~
don’t you like being touched?” he asked quietly in a bold move.
stopped dead in her tracks, glaring at him. “I just don’t, alright?” she
hissed, her voice raised. “And it’s none of your fucking business why I act the
way I do. I see what you’re trying to do, Doctor.”
She spun around and stormed back toward the house, wanting to get far away from
his prying, yet consoling, eyes.
Jolene? What am I doing? I just want to get to know you. I want to spend time
with you, and I need to know why certain things set you off so that I don’t do
them!” He ran along the shore, catching up to her, stopping short when he
almost reached out and grabbed her arm to force her to talk to him.
him approach behind her, she reeled around. The expression on her face was
fierce. “You’ve been a therapist for far too long. You need to get it out of
your head that you can help me.” The ocean wind whipped her hair in front of
her face and her voice rose in anger. “You can’t! No one can! So just stop!
Stop taking an interest in me! Stop with the whole nice guy act because, based on
my experience, that’s all it is!” she cried through her tears, her voice
becoming barely audible. “A fucking act.”
closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before opening them, the pain of what she
had experienced the past decade of her life visible in the look of unease on
her face. She took a step closer, her eyes remaining glued to Cam’s.
show up on my doorstep acting like my savior when the world has gone to shit.
You tell me how you’ll look after me and protect me. And you know what those
are?” She could see the hurt that her words were causing him, but she didn’t
Cam,” she said quietly. “Just lies. You say you’ll help me and watch over me,
but you’ll turn. I can’t… I can’t go through that again. Please. I beg you.
Just stay away from me.” She spun around and began walking briskly away from
don’t have to do this, Jolene!” he shouted, running to catch up with her. “You
don’t have to choose fear.”
I do,” she insisted, turning to face him once more. “It’s the only way that he won’t…”
can choose me instead,” he interrupted.
breath caught at his unexpected reply. “Cam, I…” She trailed off, hiding her
tear-filled eyes.
“Don’t let your fear control
you, Jolene,” he implored, his voice soft. He brought his body close to hers.
“Please, choose me, not fear.”
~ Links to Buy ~
Amazon ** Amazon UK ** Kobo
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Amazon CA ** Amazon AU
~ Playlist ~
~ Review ~
How to describe this new
release from T.K. Leigh….how about riveting, gripping and AMAZING!!! I absolutely love this author’s writing
style and the characters that she had brought to life are just
We get a tiny taste of
Cam in the Beautiful Mess Series but we uncover so many more layers to him here
in Heart of Light that I couldn’t help but fall for him. The level of thoughtfulness and love that he
showed to Jolene no matter how underserving and broken she felt melted my
Oh….poor Jolene. Well, that’s how I felt when we were first
introduced. I shuddered along with her
and cried through her pain. I was
praying should would find some form of self-worth to take a stand for
herself. The transformation that she undergoes
throughout the story was beautiful. Some
of my favorite moments were her and Cam “almost kissing”.
Yes, this was a very dark
topic for T.K. to cover, but there was always “heart” and “light”
throughout. The world is not a pretty
place and sometimes bringing light to serious issues can be tricky but I
honestly thought there was a good balance between the bad and good.
This author loves to keep
you on your toes, so as I have come to expect, there were several plot twists
that had me screaming at my kindle. This
story will take you on an emotional roller coaster but all the while have you
screaming for more. Cam and Joelene’s
story although not always pretty is an amazing story about overcoming your past
and finding love. I cannot wait to see
what T.K. Leigh has coming next.

~ 20 Fun Facts ~
I wear a shirt when I write that has Shakespeare’s face on it and says “This
shit writes itself.”
I am a middle child. I have a sister that is two years older and a sister that
is two years younger.
My favorite movie of all time is Casablanca.
I met my husband in the parking lot of a Jimmy Buffett concert. He was working.
I was drinking.
My favorite beer is Blue Moon.
I love the Red Sox.
Every time I publish a new book, I drink champagne and watch Anchorman and Talladega Nights. It’s a tradition now.
When I was moving out to California from Connecticut after graduating law
school, the hubs and I drove route 66 all the way from Chicago to the Santa
Monica Pier. It was such an amazing experience, and I think there may be a book
in it.
My pen name is a play on my real name. My full name is Tracy Leigh Kellam. I
don’t think I need to spell out where T.K. Leigh came from. ;-)
I have a yellow jeep wrangler that I love. Her name is Savvy J.
In my opinion, there is no such thing as too much coffee. Or peanut butter.
I am a sushi addict.
I am deathly afraid of snakes. I can’t even watch a movie with them in it or
I’ll flip out.
My favorite New Kid on the Block was Donnie. I’m glad I picked one that aged
I am a huge proponent of “Adopt, don’t shop.” We have a dog and 3 kittens, all
of whom we have found on the streets and saved.
One of my favorite TV shows is Arrested Development.
My favorite book of all time is The Great
Gatsby. What can I say. I’m a sucker for a story with no HEA.
I currently have 8 works in progress.
You will all be seeing Cam and Jolene again. ;-)
~ About the Author ~
T.K. Leigh, otherwise known as Tracy Leigh Kellam, is the USA Today Best Selling author of the Beautiful Mess series. Originally from New England, she now resides in sunny Southern California with her husband, dog and three cats, all of which she has rescued (including the husband). She always had a knack for writing, but mostly in the legal field. It wasn’t until recently that she decided to try her hand at creative writing and is now addicted to creating different characters and new and unique story lines in the Contemporary Romantic Suspense genre. When she’s not planted in front of her computer, writing away, she can be found running and training for her next marathon (of which she has run over fifteen fulls and far too many halfs to recall). Unlike Olivia, the main character in her Beautiful Mess series, she has yet to qualify for the Boston Marathon.
~ Connect with T.K. ~
Other Works by the Author
The Beautiful Mess Series
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