Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway
Feels Like A Dream
(Dream Series #5)
Isabelle Peterson
Release Date: June 24, 2015
~ Synopsis ~
Like most men, Kevin Parker had always dated women his age or younger. Then after dating an older woman for a couple of weeks (now just a good friend, Elizabeth—Beth—Fairchild), Kevin developed a new perspective on love and romance. With his newfound insight, Shelby O’Sullivan catches Kevin’s eye. Confident. Funny. Beautiful. Getting to know her, he quickly realized that she is the woman of his dreams.
Nine years older than Kevin, a history of less than amazing boyfriends, and a health history she feels is tarnished, Shelby O’Sullivan has avoided falling in love over the past several years. She doesn’t want to fall for Kevin’s southern charms and sinful good looks, but soon finds herself doing just that.

 ~ Links to Buy ~
Amazon ** Amazon UK ** Barnes & Noble

~ About the Author ~
The short story: 
I'm the wife of a most fabulous man for twenty years.
I'm a mother of 2 busy teens.
I'm a dog lover.
I'm a serious drinker of coffee and wine.
I live near New York City.
My favorite place that I've visited is Monaco.
My favorite color is green (but I look best in pink/salmon).
My favorite food is chocolate.
My favorite kind of music is New Country.

The long story:
I've always been a creative sort of person... I started with my college studies in Advertising Design and Illustration. I'm good at drawing and coming up with clever ideas.
As for story telling - well, that's where I have the most fun! Ditching The Dream is my first novel, but I've been working on writing movies since, what seems like forever. Way back in high school my friend Aimee and I started writing a movie and I was hooked. We didn't know what we were doing, but we loved coming up with the story. I also like to come up with stories about people I don't know. Like the guy that cut me off on the expressway...He had quite a story - at least in my mind! Who knows? Maybe I've come up with a story about you! ;)

Ditching The Dream is a story that came to me while I was helping two author friends of mine. I was helping them with their books and I would make suggestions to amp up their stories along the way. Bev and Amy encouraged me to write my own story and Ditching The Dream was born. Is it auto-biographical? No, not in the least. But it sure has been a fun story to come up with (especially when my hubby gets involved with coming up with ideas).
~ Connect with Isabelle ~
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~ A Rafflecopter Giveaway ~


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