Monday, October 5, 2015

Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway
Just Me
L.A. Fiore

~ Excerpt ~
On my way to my locker, I heard my name being called in that deep voice. My knees went weak and my hands grew damp. Turning in his direction, I watched as he approached me in that easy stride of his.
“You weren't at lunch.”
My heart started to pound. He noticed. “Not today.”
He stopped just in front of me, and being that close to him was intoxicating. His chest dominated my view and the strongest urge to run my hands down that body nearly had me doing so. He reached for my hand, his smile turning a bit wicked. “We haven't officially met. I'm Bastian.”
His large hand completely enveloped mine and the heat that burned up my arm from the contact was delicious. “Lark.”
“It's nice to meet you, Lark.” I saw his mouth moving, but I didn't hear him since I was fixated on his hand still wrapped around mine.
“Are you going to tell me what you were laughing at in English?” He asked.
I heard that and responded with a resounding, “No.”
He'd taken my answer as a challenge. I saw it burning in his eyes, which he confirmed when he said, “I'll get it out of you, somehow.”
My body started to throb and suddenly I wanted the games to begin and hopefully his method to make me talk involved him putting his hands on me, everywhere.
He brushed his thumb over the knuckles of the hand he still held. “See you soon.”
I wished. He released my hand somewhat reluctantly, before he started away from me. Turning my head, I watched as he peered at me from over his shoulder and winked. Yep, I was totally crushing on Bastian Ross.

~ About the Author ~
L.A. Fiore is the author of several books including: Beautifully Damaged, Beautifully Forgotten and Always and Forever. She's also the social secretary for her two children, a tamer of ill-mannered cats, the companion to one awesome dog and married to her best friend. She likes her wine red, her shrimp chilled and her social gatherings small and intimate.  
 ~ Connect with L.A. Fiore ~
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~ A Rafflecopter Giveaway ~

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