Friday, October 30, 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway
{Explosive #5}
Tessa Teevan

Release Date: October 30, 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Standalone
Cover Models: Don Allen and Faith Danielle
Photographer: Kelsey Keeton at K. Keeton Designs
Cover Designer: Robin Harper at Wicked By Design
~ Synopsis ~
Where do babies come from? 
The question every parent dreads hearing has finally fallen from the lips of six year old Ava Banks, the curious, precocious little girl that readers fell in love with in Ignite. Jeremy and Sierra, normally blunt as can be, struggle to find the right words to answer her. So instead, they rewind sixteen years to that one fateful day where a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven inevitably led to life-long romance filled with laughter, love, and many, many mishaps along the way.

Falling in love with your best friend? It's the most incredible thing in the world. But when a love comes so easily, will it truly be able to last? When the world comes crashing down around you, can even the strongest relationship withstand great tragedy?

Stay tuned for lots of laughs, teenage awkwardness, a few tears, and most of all, mullets. Because what good love story doesn't do business in the front, and party in the back?

Note: Fusion is standalone contemporary romance featuring side characters from Ignite.  

 ~ Excerpt ~
Tears glistened as she let out a disbelieving laugh. “And that’s the problem. You still see me as dirty eight-year-old playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The girl who played kickball, skinning her knees, and spitting into your hand. Which is okay. I’m not the girly-girl wearing skirts and worrying about having perfect makeup. I don’t flirt or act ladylike. At least, not to you. That’s not how we are. That’s not how we’ll ever be. I’m finally realizing that.”
         I wanted to tell her that she was wrong. That I didn’t see her as an eight-year-old girl. That, even though I’d been a blind fool, my eyes had finally opened. I wanted to wax poetic about her long, beautiful hair and how much I loved running my fingers through it while watching our favorite shows. How the beautiful blue of her eyes was my favorite color and, if Crayola could capture it in a crayon, I’d buy every single box until I had a lifetime supply. And her lips. God, I wanted to profess how, ever since that day in biology, her lips had had me transfixed and I wanted nothing more than a taste. I hadn’t cared that there was dead frog cut open and splayed out on the table. The way she’d sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, gasping and cursing as she’d drawn blood, had thrown all my disgust over the frog out the window. All I could see was her. All I wanted was her.
         I wanted to tell her all of that.
         But I didn’t, and I would regret it for the rest of the summer.
         “Sierra—” I began to protest, but she cut me off, giving me a warm, watery smile.
         “It’s fine, Jeremy. I promise. I have no problem being the Tod to your Copper. Or the Joey to your Dawson. That’s who I am.” She hesitated for a moment. “That’s who I’ll always be. You’re my best friend, Jeremy. It’s okay that you don’t see my boobs. Hell, it’s probably better that way.”
         My stomach plummeted, and if I was man enough to admit it, my eyes burned with an unexpected rush of tears. I stepped out of the sight so she couldn’t see me. She misinterpreted the move, but before I could find a single ounce of courage, she was waving goodbye and running into her house, leaving me there to watch her go.
         Something I never wanted to do again.
         It wasn’t until after Sierra had left for Ohio and I’d had a chance to reflect on her words that I realized what she’d said. Dawson and Joey, as of right then, weren’t even speaking. Copper and Tod had gone their separate ways, and even though their friendship remained, they were still apart for the rest of their lives.
         I didn’t want to be Copper anymore. I sure as hell didn’t want to be Dawson.
         But it was too late. I’d lost my chance. I’d missed my window. Sierra was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it. 
         Jenna was right.
         I was an idiot.
         I was unbelievable.
         I was blind.
         And, worst of all, I was alone.

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~ About the Author ~
Tessa is a twenty something book junkie who is also obsessed with sports.  She works for the government during the day, hangs out with Air National Guard on the weekends, and has been married to her own book boyfriend for nine years. If she's not writing or looking through tons of photos of hot men, all in the name of research, then you can probably find her curled up with my Kindle, ignoring the rest of the world. 
 ~ Connect with Tessa ~

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